
Cities worth a visit

Le Puy-en-Velay

Le Puy en Velay is classified as a city of art and history. It is located about an hour's drive from the campsite.

A stroll through the old town take you through several centuries of architecture. After the first church was built in the 5th century, the cathedral was constructed on Mount Anis. In the 12th century, the influx of pilgrims led to the construction of four bays above a vaulted porch to compensate for the slope of Mount Anis.

Did you know that Le Puy en Velay is an important place for hikers and pilgrims? It is situated on the pilgrimage rout to Santiage de Compostela in Spain.

In addition to thes remarkable buildings, there is more to see in Le Puy en Velay. Namely, the Rocher Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe. This volcanic rock formation rises from the city and is crowned wih a chapel dedicated to the Archangel Michael. You can climb the rock via a staircase and enjoy a panoramic view of Le Puy en Velay from the top.

There is also Hôtel-Dieu. This historic hospital dates back to the 12th century and is a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture. It originally served as a guesthouse for pilgrims.

And if you happen to dine in this city, you must try lentilles de Puy! This is a local specialty made with green lentils.

Saint Étienne

Saint Étienne is an important cultural center in the field of design and innovation, located 30 minutes drive from the campsite.

In Saint Étienne, you will find the Cité du Design, housed in a former arms factory. The center plays a crucial role in promoting design as a driver for innovation, creativity and economic development.

In addition to the cultural center, there are plenty of other interesting things to do and discover. For example, the Musée de la Mine offers insight into the lives and work of miners and the mining culture in the region. The city also has numerous squares where you can enjoy food and drinks as well as great shopping opportunities. A must-see is the Eglise Saint-Charles, a striking example of modernist architecture!

Here is a tip! Try the local dishes and specialities in the restaurants. The region is known for La Fourme de Montbrison, a traditional cheese.