
The adventure of the rail

Since 2010the Communauté d'agglomération Loire Forez and the Communauté de communes du pays de Saint Bonnet le Chateau have been working together to enhance the value of this hoseshoe-shaped trail by offering a family walk.

The family walk is a tot of 28km long and consists of 5 stages:

*Saint Marcellin en Forez / Périgneux station (8km);

*Périgneux station / Luriecq (6,5km);

*Luriecq station / Valinches, Marols (3km);

*Valinches / Saint Bonnet le Chateau station (5,5km);

*Saint Bonnet le Chateau station / Estivareilles (6km).

This former railway line is now reserved for leisure activities, walks and discovering the heritage of a railway in its natural environmont, which is rich and varied, from the plain of the Forez to the mountains of the Forez! It is therefore intended for pedestrians, cyclists (VTC or VTT) and horse riders. It allows users to enjoy all forms of soft traffic, comfortably and safely.

For more information, visit the Tourist Office of Saint Bonnet le Chateau or pick up a map of the route at the reception!